Rajarshi Das: Dynamic response and failure analysis of metals and composite materials-合肥工业大学
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Rajarshi Das: Dynamic response and failure analysis of metals and composite materials




Rajarshi Das 教授




A fundamental understanding of pure shear failure is important in elucidating the failure characteristics of woven thermoplastic composites. This work presents a novel S-specimen design and an associated methodology for testing pure in-plane shear failure in composites. The technique has been experimentally tested with woven thermoplastic composites which have complex failure evolution in shear due to their weave architecture. Four different composites were considered to demonstrate the scope of the technique application, with various combinations of weave. A Digital Image Correlation (DIC) system integrated with the hemispherical testing device validated that shear strain was the dominant strain in the failure region. From this work, it is evident that shear failure morphology varies between the tested composites based on the differences in their weave architecture and fibre and matrix properties. Additional Finite Element Analysis (FEA) showed that neither bending nor friction hindered the tests ability to produce pure shear in the specimen. This new shear specimen provides a means of inducing shear failure utilising the hemispherical dome apparatus currently used for composite forming studies and failure analysis of other deformation modes between uniaxial and equi-biaxial tension.


Raj Das为澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学教授,现任该校“劳伦斯·瓦克特爵士研究中心”先进材料与结构模拟研究所所长,主要从事工程材料和结构的设计、分析和优化等方面的研究工作,专注于计算力学、结构优化、复合材料结构、失效分析和损伤容限设计,在国际期刊和会议上发表论文250多篇。Raj教授目前担任“国际断裂大会”澳大利亚执行委员会主任,同时担任澳大利亚工程师协会“应用力学全国委员会”主席,还曾担任过多个知名国际会议,如ICM-13、ACAM-8、ACCM-3、ICCM-6的主席或共同主席
